
Catching Up After a Very Difficult Year—Part I

Catching Up After a Very Difficult Year—Part I

Wow. Been a while since I posted. I had a pretty hard year. When I last posted a few months after my ectopic pregnancy, I had gotten pregnant again and was pretty excited. I was pretty sick, which I took to be good sign–baby must […]



I don’t know how to begin.  Yesterday I got a call from my dear friend who had moved away from us earlier in the year.  She’s had a lot of problems with her pregnancy.  She’s been in the hospital for several weeks now due to various […]

Thyroid Issues, Panic, Anxiety and Childbirth

Thyroid Issues, Panic, Anxiety and Childbirth

What’s new since I last wrote All of those doctor visits?  I found out my thyroid TSH levels are low (.58 is the latest) which as I now know–means borderline hyperthyroidism.  The good news is this shouldn’t affect the baby. Here’s the problem: Just because […]

How do you help an 11-year-old with Asperger’s?

How do you help an 11-year-old with Asperger’s?

How do you help an 11-year-old boy with Asperger’s? How do you help him make the social connections that can be crucial to survival in junior high, when despite your best efforts, he is continually on the periphery of activities? I’ve encouraged him to invite […]

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors….

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors….

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors–10/21/09 In the last two weeks we’ve been to been to no less than six appointments. Last Monday, I went to my baby doctor for the first appointment. Technically I saw the midwife and I’m good with that. I’ve delivered four of my […]

Why I’m Starting a Blog

Why I’m Starting a Blog

Here goes, I’m starting a blog… There are a million blogs out there about moms. Make that a million and one now. So what am I doing?  I am a married stay-at-home mom to my five kids.  We are a loving family, thought not without […]