Category: Movie Review

Movie Review–“Ant-Man and the Wasp” from our High Functioning Autism Perspective

Movie Review–“Ant-Man and the Wasp” from our High Functioning Autism Perspective

I’m going to make this easy–Go see this movie. It’s fun and action-packed and gets back to what Marvel does best. What we knew going in: This movie was to take place “before” Infinity War.  Scott Lang was under house arrest after the events in […]

Movie Review—“Avengers: Infinity War” from an High Functioning Autism Perspective

Movie Review—“Avengers: Infinity War” from an High Functioning Autism Perspective

We’ve been Marvel fans for a while. Last Saturday we took the family to see Avengers: Infinity War. Excited doesn’t begin to cover it.  My daughter texted the following when we told her. We really started loving the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) with the first […]

Review of Vintage Mickey

Review of Vintage Mickey

As I was thinking of countdown activities to do with my kids, the idea came to me to have the family watch every Disney movie ever made.  then I realized 1) If you count sequels and all live action movies, it is a verrrrry long […]