Bringing It All Into One Place

Bringing It All Into One Place

In the past, I’ve run as many as five blogs, and it’s been a bit exhausting separating different parts of myself.   On this blog I’ll be bringing in pieces from my blogs into one place.  My main autism blog was

I’ll be chronicling our Autism journey, and our ways of coping, organizing and making our way through life.  This means I’ll have an assortment of posts and interests here.  I’ve tried to categorize posts that are either Autism or Crafting, and you should be able to search for those through the menu option.  Sometimes posts will cross lines and those will be filed under both categories.  This way you, my reader, will be able to pick your preference, but I’ll be simplifying my life.  If I have enough organization posts, I’ll create another sub-menu.

I’m excited to be simplifying my life in many ways.  Things have been getting busier at my house as the school year draws to a close.  Thank you for stopping by today.  Have a fantastic day and enjoy!